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PayPal website:
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For United States donors:
Friends of Africa International makes it possible for our Affiliates to
receive donations from U.S. donors who wish to make U.S. tax deductible
donations. As a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we
are able to forward over 96% of the donations to our Affiliates. In order to
do this, we rely on support from our membership and donors.
Your support of Friends of Africa International is greatly appreciated.
For donations to Friends of Africa International please make checks or money orders payable to:
Friends of Africa International
To support our affiliate Save the Elephants, please make checks or money orders payable to:
FOAI/Save the Elephants
To support our affiliate Bill Woodley Mount Kenya Trust, please make checks or money orders payable to:
FOAI/Mt. Kenya Trust
To support our affiliate African Conservation Foundation, please make checks or money orders payable to:
FOAI/African Conservation Foundation
For employees (civilian, military and postal) of the United States throughout the world:
Contributions may be made to FOAI through the Combined Federal Campaign.
FOAI is enrolled in the CFC as a member of the 'Aid to Africa
Federation,' which brings together organizations dedicated to the
premise that solving Africa's problems requires a multidisciplinary
As an eligible charity, FOAI has met the CFC's fiscal accountability,
governance and programmatic impact standards, some of the most rigorous
in the giving community.
(Combined Federal Campaign I.D. #9978)
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All other U.S. donations should be sent to:
Friends of Africa International
Post Office Box K-3
Aspen, Colorado 81612
Federal Tax Exempt I.D. #74-2488671
(Please do not send cash)
For additional information:
Please see or Contact Us